Clean Water Act turns 40
Today marks the 40th anniversary of passage of the Clean Water Act, one of the most remarkable, far-reaching and contentious ...
Supreme Court gets a chance to botch another wetlands case
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court will take up the somewhat tangled case of Mike and Chantell Sackett , whose ...
U.S. wetlands are "at a tipping point" -- and worse off than report says
The U.S. Interior Department issued its latest report on the status and trends of the nation's wetlands last week, and ...
New study shows Supreme Court decision left wetlands vulnerable
Last week the Environmental Law Institute released an extensive new study on the state of the nation's wetlands in the ...
House casts historic vote to yank EPA's Clean Water Act authority
In a historic vote late Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to yank the Environmental Protection Agency's authority over ...